February 23, 2010

elegant secret garden wedding

Okay, so I know this blog is all about baby, kids and mummy's....BUT....I had to show you this GORGEOUS wedding I found through another great blog, Lovely Scribbles.
It is an "elgant secret garden wedding' and it is amaaaaazingly beautiful. It's just the most classic style that I love and oh I wish I could get married again (to the same man ofcourse) but I would love to have something like this. I'm so jealous!!

You see what I mean now? Ahhhh dreaming away....

Be sure to check back as we will be having
a gorgeous boys party featured tomorrow and from next week I will be having a regular guest blogger who runs an online party store and she will be sharing lots of tips and idea's on kids parties and more. I look foward to introducing her to you next week.


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