February 12, 2010

Real Mummy Interview: Priscila Barros from Little Miss Heirlooms

I'm really excited to tell you that the fabulous Priscila from the extremely popular Little Miss Heirlooms blog has happily taken part in my first of interview series featuring 'Real Mummies'. Thank you Priscila, you really are an inspiration!

What is the name of your blog?
Little Miss Heirlooms

When did you launch your blog?
In October 2009

How did you choose your name for your blog?
I actually opened up an online boutique called Little Miss Heirlooms. There I sell darling vintage toys and knick knacks to use in decorating your child’s space. It was really hard to find a name I liked and one that fit what I wanted. I looked through a lot of books and online and nothing sounded right. One day I sat down with a cup of tea and was looking at a book called “Flea Market Baby.” There was a necklace on one page and the name of the brand was “Little Miss”. I added heirlooms because that’s what I sell, vintage treasures that can be passed on to your children.

What is your current position/career? (where?)
I’m a stay at home mom to 2 beautiful little boys (Christian is 4 and Carter is 2). We are located in beautiful San Diego, California. It’s an amazing place to live. We are about 30 minutes from the beach and an hour away from the mountains with snow! Plus having Mickey (Disneyland) and Shamu (Sea world) nearby helps.

What was your inspiration for starting your blog?
I have always loved children, interior design and fashion (I actually went to school to be a fashion designer). I love to combine my love of all 3 in my home décor and my children’s rooms with a vintage twist for added charm. I started my blog because I wanted to showcase all the amazing designs, fashion and trends that surround the children’s market. I also love anything that’s international and anything that is unique and hard to get here in the US. I’m so tired of the “cookie cutter” patterns, design, fashion and toys. It’s always refreshing to see something new and fabulous. Plus it’s such a great feeling when your friends come over and see the new item you purchased and say “Where did you get that? I want one.”

What is your favourite part of blogging?
My favourite is the feedback I get. I get daily emails and have gotten letters (I keep all of these and will put them on my inspiration board once my office is done) from my readers telling me how much they enjoy my blog. It’s so rewarding because I really put a lot of time and effort into every posts!

How many hours a day would you say you work on your blog?
I really try to balance work and my kids out. I usually take a couple hours on Sunday to work on blog posts for the whole week but probably work on networking and finding inspiration about 2 hours a day (after the kids are in bed).

What is your goal for your blog in the next 12 months?
I just want to continue to inspire other mothers! It could be something as simple as them redoing a room because of a blog post I did or a mother that is thinking about opening a business. Sometimes life is overwhelming and when you add kids in the mix it gets even crazier. It’s nice to see other mothers really be able to do both (have a career and be a mother) and do well at it. I’m constantly inspired by other bloggers!
I would also love to contribute to some international blogs and sites! My blog has done so well in such a short amount of time. I would just like to see it continue to succeed in the next year to come!

What are your top 3 online blogs at the moment?
Hola Mama: It’s a new blog I discovered and it’s in Spanish but they have some serious inspirational ideas and pictures! From parties to décor they feature it!
Desire to Inspire: Love all the beautiful images for your home!
Fashion Tribes: Best place for the latest fashion finds!

And some questions for a bit of fun:
If you could meet anyone in the world alive or passed who would it be and what would you ask them? Audrey Hepburn! She is classy and a total an icon and My Fair Lady is one of my favourite movies. I would ask her to say “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.”

What is your favourite place in the world?
I love Brazil because that’s where I am from but there are some must visit places I need to go. I would love to go to Australia and visit the Hillsong Church, Scotland and Ireland, Portugal, France and Italy! I think the next trip will most defiantly be Australia because I have made so many friends from there through blogging and it would be so fun to just meet all of them and have a cup of coffee!

What do you wish you were doing right now?
I would seriously love to be on the beach in Sao Paulo, Brazil (my hometown) drinking coconut water and watching my boys play in the sand. Brazil is such a fun place for my family to visit because besides the amazing friends and family we have there they have the most wonderful street bazaars. I always come back with loads of jewellery, clothes and paintings for my home!

Little Miss Heirlooms blog .. .. ..
Little Miss Heirlooms facebook .. .. ..
Little Miss Heirlooms twitter .. .. ..


  1. Fun!!! I love reading and learning more about a person I already kinda "know!" Good interview, Priscila. Love the pics...especially of the one of the boys doting on you!!!

  2. What a great interview. Priscila is one of the most stylish and fun people I "know". Its fun to get to know her more through interviews etc. She is beautiful and her little boys are soo cute!!! Cant wait to see what more she does this year and the next to come. I love her blog its one of my favorites!

    thanks for the interview


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