May 29, 2010

party lunch pack ideas

I am really growing to love the idea of lunch packs at parties for kids. I think it is such a great way to
get kids to eat their lunch rather than nibble on sweets only. Also, anything they don't eat they can always leave in their lunch box for later or take it home with them. There could always be a dessert table too.

What do you think about this idea rather than a buffet of food and sweets?


  1. Totally ADORE this trend. You found some gorgeous examples too. Fabulous inspiration:)

  2. Totally agree with loving the lunch packs. We are huge fans of 2 choices and healthy snackies.

  3. Those are the chicest lunch packs I have ever seen!

  4. You don't have any photo credits on these? I'm especially interested in the top photo, where is it from please?


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