August 17, 2010

Real Mummy Interview: Marianne's Sweet Delights

What is your name?

What is the name of your blog?
Marianne’s Sweet Delights

When did you launch your blog?
I launched my blog in June 2009.

How did you choose your name for your blog?
I love the creative arts and my blog was a place for me to share my love for learning and creating edible works of art. I knew I’d be sharing my sweet creations, so the name Marianne’s Sweet Delights was fitting! Two weekends ago my husband and I were doing some spring cleaning and I found a recipe box that I had created 7 years ago. There on the front was written “Marianne’s Sweet Delights” was obvious this name was meant to be!

What is your current position/career? (where?)
I am a primary school teacher and teach art to K-6 children two days per week. My mum also owns a tutoring centre (Bright Stars Education Centre) and I work two shifts there per week. In May this year “Marianne’s Sweet Delights” became a registered business and I’ve enjoyed creating my sweet delights.

What was your inspiration for starting your blog?
Last year I was following a few blogs, especially Becky Higgins (an American scrapbooking icon) and thought I’d like to start writing my own. During this time I also started exploring cake decorating and decided to document my learning and my creations on my blog.

What is your favourite part of your job?
Teaching: Definitely sharing my love for the creative arts with my students.
Cake Decorating: Creating edible works of art.
How many hours a day would you say you work on your blog?
I used to spend A LOT of time working on my blog/Facebook page, but have cut down quite a lot. I’ve realised over the last month how precious life is and have been spending as much “quality time” with my family as possible. My outlook on life has changed and I’m now LIVING more! I probably now spend about 2 hours on blog per week.

What is your goal for your blog in the next 12 months?
I enjoy creating sweet delights and during the last school holidays taught my first kids cupcake classes. I LOVED it, as it combined my passion for teaching children with my passion for cake decorating. I look forward to exploring this path and teaching a lot more classes. I love writing on my blog and I will continue to document my journey on there!

What are your top 3 online blogs at the moment?
1. Sunny Mummy - I am a Sunny Mummy and Stacey Sullapen has changed my world! I love reading her posts and was lucky enough to have met her recently.

2. Bakerella - Angie Dudley is the Cake Pop queen! I love the yummy recipes she shares on her blog. I am very excited to be featured on her site, as the first Australian “Pop Star”.

3. Glorious Treats - Glory is an extremely talented woman and I love her sweets and dessert tables. She loves to share tips and tricks on her blog, and her site is a wealth of information.

And some questions for a bit of fun – If I was a Millionaire..
If you were a multi-millionaire what would be the first 5 things you would buy?
1. Pay off our mortgage.
2. Finish the landscaping around the house and put in a pool.
3. Take my entire family on a holiday to America and go to Disneyland.
4. Send anonymous checks to my family members so that they could pay off their debts.
5. Buy a holiday house.

Where in the world would you live?
I’d live in Sydney, in a beautiful beach front property, probably down the coast! A lovely peaceful area, where my husband and I could raise our children, and not have to worry about the constant ‘hustle and bustle’ of life.

Would you live on your millions and relax or create your dream job/business? What would it be?
My sister and I have always said that we’d love to open a little café and combined bookstore…A little sanctuary where people could enjoy a nice cup of coffee and snuggle up with a good book. It would be lovely to enjoy life and have our little store!

Thanks Marianne for taking the time to give us a little insight into your world..A great read!!
To see Marianne's lovely sweet delights, please visit her site and follow the blog here.


  1. Wow, I was just reading along and then as I see the title "top three blogs" I was curious as to what they would be... and then I see my name!! Thank you so much Marianne! I'm so flattered! Thanks for making my day! Great to read more about you as well!

  2. Love interview Marianne, love ur story xx

  3. Thank you Thetis for featuring me on your blog!

    Glory, as you know I love your work and love your blog!

    Vesna, love you too!! XXX

  4. Lovely interview Marianne, love hearing 'personal journey's. xx


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