August 24, 2010

Real Mummy Interview: Suzanna from Mon Tresor

What is the name of your blog/store?
Mon Tresor

When did you launch your blog/store?
Mon Tresor was born 2 years ago, but we recently relaunched our new website,styled by the lovely Sarah from Style Me Gorgeous and developed by the fabulous Emma at Morris Bear Designs. I created the Mon Tresor blog earlier this year so that I could share my passions, inspirations and life with others.

How did you choose your name for your blog/store?
Mon Tresor {My Treasure} was chosen because of my love for all things French and chic. I love everything that has a French/ Parisian flavour , including furniture and homewares. I felt the name would fit in perfectly with my handmade girly ribbons, ruffled flowers and jewels.

What is your current position/career? (where?)
Along with running my little business Mon Tresor, I am also currently working as a part time primary school teacher in Sydney.

What was your inspiration for starting your blog/store?
I was inspired to create my little business a little over 2 years ago, after the birth of my second son. I started off with hair bows and bracelets as a way to indulge in my creativity and also as my ‘girly outlet’ as I am surrounded by 3 boys! I have a passion for all things in fashion, so it seemed fitting to be able to create hair accessories for little girls and lovely mummies.

What is your favourite part of your job?
I love the fact that I am able to teach part time as it is truly a rewarding experience to be able to touch the lives of children in some way. Being able to focus on my website~ Mon Tresor during the weekday and having the flexibility to be at home enables me to be able to look after Maddox (2.5yrs old) and be involved in Kayden’s (6 yrs old) school life is a blessing. I love it!

How many hours a day would you say you work on your blog/store?
I spend a few hours a day, mainly working at night once the boys are tucked in and are asleep. I process order during the day and visit the local Aust Post (my new best friend!) Handmade items take quite some time to create so I am usually up quite late most nights! I have acquired a new found love for coffee and of course updating Facebook and my blog occurs mainly in the evening 

What is your goal for your blog/store in the next 12 months?
I would love to keep creating & sourcing unique products for my online store as well as
continuing to focus on an eclectic and stylish range of party ware available to hire in Sydney to create the perfect dessert buffet table, inspired by the ever so talented Amy Atlas.

What are your top 3 online blogs at the moment?
I love the blogging world as there is so much inspiration and ideas out there, sometimes it can be overwhelming as I have about 20 screens open on my laptop, but have learnt to categorise and save my favourites  I love reading:
Eat Drink Pretty
Table Tonic
Spearmint Baby
Oh Dee Doh
Amy Atlas

And some questions for a bit of fun – If I was a Millionaire..

If you were a multi-millionaire what would be the first 5 things you would buy?
1. Donate $ to help find a cure for cancer
2. A house by the ocean
3. An overseas holiday
4. A Mon Tresor b&m boutique
5. Share a proportion of the winnings to my immediate family 

Where in the world would you live?
A brownstone in Greenich,NYC. I would move there with my hubby and boys in a heartbeat.

Would you live off your millions and relax or create your dream job/business? What would it be?
I would like to say I would ‘be able to do both’! Relax, enjoy life and travel the world but also be able to one day open up a boutique store and dabble in party styling ;)

Mon Tresor - Website
Mon Tresor - Blog


Lovely to hear from you!! xx