October 16, 2010

Vintage Car Dessert Table

Very exited to be showing you this gorgeous 'Vintage Car Dessert Table' by the extremely talented ladies over at Spaceships and Laser Beams etsy store.

All of the cakes and cupcakes were created by The Cake Box the photography was done by barebonephoto and the printables are by Spaceships and Laser Beams.

Take a look at these lovely pics and then I will tell you more about this new and exciting store...

What a clever idea of fruit in these little cute boxes..Something different,
and looks great!

Spaceships & Laser Beams was created by two loveley ladies who
felt like lately everything adorable is for little girls. But say that parent of boys want
to have some fun too!! Spaceships & Laser Beams offer parties with style just for boys!!

All of their printable products are created by a collective of talented, professional designers. They are people who have worked in the corporate world and have been itching to unleash their inner child. As moms, dads, aunts and uncles to little boys, they know exactly what it takes to make them yell “Awesome.” These generous ladies believe that happy childhoods are about making every day feel special, 5% of every Spaceships & Laser Beams sale is donated to the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign. With the a collection like Aliens, Classic Monsters, Construction, Monster Fest and the Vintage Car your little boys are sure to love any of these for their next bday bash..


To view more of these gorgeous party printables for boys, please visit Spaceships & Laser Beams Etsy store and you can also follow them on Facebook here.


  1. Looks amazing hun, love it all! Esp the cake, wow!

  2. if i had a little boy the vintage cars is exactly what i would want!! SO adorable!

  3. What cool products:). I wish they had these products around when my son was little.


Lovely to hear from you!! xx