December 14, 2010

christmas at my place ....

Here are some photo's of my Christmas tree and gorgeous faux fireplace with the lovely personalised stockings made by Natalie over at Petit Bijou. They are truly gorgeous in real life, I can't stop looking at them!

I chose a Red and White theme for this year.

The gorgeous personalised stockings from Petit Bijou hang
nicely on from my fireplace. I love how it turned out!!

My tree. If I had a bigger space I would love
to get a real one. But for now, this one fits

and here are some of my gift wrapped pressies.

Have you finished your gift wrapping yet?


  1. Gorgeous. Really, just so gorgeous. I LOVE seeing how others decorate don't you? Do make sure you check out Jennifer Birkhead's blog and Melli's Designs' blog, who also have absolutely lovely Chrsitmas posts too. Jane:)

  2. oh my... LOVE your wrapping its so gorgeous and your stockings are so cute.merry Christmas from Melli's designs xx

  3. So festive. Love it! Happy Holidays!

  4. Very beautiful! And wrapping starts today at my house, I watch white christmas every year when I wrap!

  5. Love the tree and decorations, can I post a pic of it on my blog and ref to you! it's gorgeous, plus the wrapping?


  6. Looks beautiful Thetis - I wish I had started my wrapping little own finished it!! I do suspect however if I put a present under the tree my 18 month old would soon unwrap it! Leanne xx

  7. Thanks for all your lovely comments!! xxx

    Loisa - Ofcourse you can post it on your blog, no problem at all.. xoxo

    Leanne - Yes - my 18 month old has also tried her hand and tearing them apart, but she soon backed away when she saw my facial expression..LOL!!!

  8. I am now addicted to your website, gorgeous things..I just posted about it..

    Louisa xx

  9. Thetis hun it all looks amazing! That fire place is perfect for Nat's stockings and looks GORGEOUS!!! I'm rather jealous ;)
    Beautiful xxxx

  10. Oh Thetis, I never saw this post thank you so much gorgeous for the mention. The Stockings look DIVINE!!! Your Christmas Styling is just stunning!


Lovely to hear from you!! xx