May 22, 2011

The Whitehouse Daylesford

I am totally in love with this amazing cottage in Daylesford, Victoria simply called "The Whitehouse". I first found out about it via Seed who were running a competition to win a little break here. Ofcourse I was entered and was praying that I would win. Sadly I didn't, but I am so grateful for finding out about it. I am in absolute awe of this holiday property and would LOVE to stay here one day. They also hire it out for photo shoots and functions.

The house features 2 bedrooms and a 3rd bedroom/studio in the garden. A library, cozy open fire place, claw foot baths, unique tailored linen for each bedroom, vintage collections of antique furniture and art work, industrial lighting and a rare chandelier from France, hand-painted wall papers by Deborah Bowness from the UK, private garden with a view, all interiors and design was by Lyn Gardener of Empire Vintage.

So, who is coming with me?


  1. I think this wedding video features the white house?

  2. Looks gorgeous! Oh how I love Daylesford. I live in Perth and we flew over to Melbourne in Feb for a wedding in Ballarat, drove out to Daylesford twice as I just loved it so much! Shall bookmark this as we hope to go back in the next year or so, would be so lovely to spend a weekend at "The Whitehouse" I can then make a another visit to Lark!!! Thanks so much for sharing.x.

  3. I think I need to live in this house! I've always wanted a bedroom with french doors that open out into the garden.


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