June 7, 2011

{Sponsor Welcome} Dear Ruby Jayne

Today I welcome one of my newest sponsors, Dear Ruby Jayne. Dear Ruby Jayne is a fantastic new blog which is run by the ever so lovely Bianca. In this blog, Bianca will share with us vegan and vegetarian recipes, interiors, decorations & tutorials and coming soon her very own handmade baby clothes store. Bianca is pregnant with her first baby and has since become a fellow blog lover and all things baby and kids lover!! Dear Ruby Jayne is going to be a fabulous new blog on the block so please support and follow and lets watch this great new blog unfold.

Yummy recipes...

Store is coming soon...

Bianca's Baby Shower

Dear Ruby Jayne blog
Dear Ruby Jayne Facebook
Dear Ruby Jayne Twitter

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Lovely to hear from you!! xx