September 27, 2011

{real parties} camp bella

This AMAZING party was created by one extremely talented lady. Wendy of Wendy Updegraff Photography was behing this gorgeous little party for her daughter Bella's 8th birthday. Wendy really went all out on this party and each and every detail well thought out. The party was kept small in numbers so her daughter chose two of her closest friends and her cousin to come over for a slumber party. I am really liking the idea of smaller parties as this allows you to go that extra mile{price wise} LOL!!

Wendy and her daughter came up with the theme of Camp Bella whilst looking through a website of Wendy's favourite designer. It was a feather headpiece they found on this website in which she decided to base the whole party around it. The girls got to make s'more, go on a scavenger hunt and even did some crafting. The highlight for me was the cute little tents set up for the girls to sleep in {genius} and the dessert table is just fabulous and in keeping to the theme. LOVE IT!!
Wendy {like myself} found Pinterest to be an extremely handy tool whilst planning this party, many of her ideas and inspirations came from there. A great bunch of vendors also helped make this party come to life and they are listed below. If you are in the Jacksonville area, please give Wendy a call. Her photography is just breathtaking. {details at the bottom of the post}. Enjoy!

 Photography by Wendy Updegraff

Wendy Updegraff
904-708-3864 (cell phone)

Feather Headpiece & flower pin on yarn B: Lori Marie
Straws, s'mores crates & Trail Mix bags: Shop Sweet Lulu
Custom Cookies: BeesKnees Creative
Handmade Pillows: YelliKelli
Bubble Wands: Blooming Elephant
Matching PJ's: made by Wendy's Mom
Everything else made by Wendy


  1. WOW WOW WOW that would be so much fun now i cant wait for my daughter to be old enough to have a slumber party

  2. One of the prettiest parties I have ever seen! So adorable and creative!
    I am honored to be included (initial pillows) just a delight, as I am sure it was for the girls!


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