January 9, 2012

Happy New Year We Are Back!!

Welcome 2012!!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Years! I had an amazing break, very relaxing, lots of family fun and much needed R & R. Over this period I had alot of time to reflect on my business over the year and re-assess my goals and plan for Little Sooti in the new year!! More detailed post about this change is to come soon once I confirm some details, watch this space!

But, for now I thought I would start back today with a gorgeous event I saw via Ruffled Blog and Photographed by Sweet Monday. This 'Intimate Yellow Malibu Wedding' is so lovely, and how amazing are the flowers!!

How was your Christmas and
New Years?

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2012! What a lovely post for the New year...yellow is sunshine, and sunshine always makes us smile! Looking forward to more lovely posts from you!


Lovely to hear from you!! xx